Sunday, March 1, 2009


Yesterday was the St Jude's Leaders' Summit. Each year we gather the leaders of our small groups, Sunday ministry leaders and those in oversight ministries together for the day. As usual it was a really encouraging day.

This year we were focusing on the Renew Vision. Rob Miller gave a great Bible Study on Psalm 67:1-2

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, 2 that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations.

He made the really simple point that asking God to bless us, (verse 1) will naturally take us in the direction of God's saving work in the world (v2), for us to see the nations saved.
We reconnected with the Vision, and spent the afternoon sessions thinking about strategies we could employ both in our leadership and in our ministry areas, to make sure the Vision kept on track, and moving forward.

The thing that stunned me once again, was what a great bunch of people the St Jude's leaders are. Young, energetic, excited about the Gospel, and keen to see our church grow. Thanks be to God.

Hoping to see LOTS of people at the Prayer meeting tomorrow night!

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